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M. Hedayat & Associates, P.C. in Romeoville, IL
M. Hedayat & Associates is law firm in the Southwest Suburbs of Chicago with a commercial focus. We advise businesses and entrepreneurs about everything from the pros and cons of buying vs. building a business to the day-to-day management, transactions, collections, litigation, buying and selling real property, dealing with financial crises, succession planning, and more.M. Hedayat & Associates, P.C. (Lawyers) is practicing law in Romeoville, Illinois. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category All Law Firms in Lawyers.
You can reach us on phone number (630) 378-2200, fax number 630-446-0067 or email address Our office is located on 1211 W. Lakeview Court, Romeoville, IL,
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Areas of practice & Law firm overview
M. Hedayat & Associates, P.C. is listed under Lawyers in Romeoville, Illinois .
Areas of practice and expertise
Commercial Law Commercial Litigation Buying & Selling Business Buying & Selling Real Estate Construction Mechanics Liens Bankruptcy Divorce Estate PlanningPro tip Browse Lawyers, Attorneys & Law firms in Romeoville, Illinois by legal issue and category.
Business Services in Romeoville
Lawyers in Romeoville
Fees and & free initial consultation
Free Initial ConsultationQualifications
The information below about M. Hedayat & Associates, P.C. is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (630) 378-2200 to learn more.
Bar Admissions
Professional Associations and Memberships
American Bar Association, American Bankruptcy Institute, Will County Bar AssociationClasses and Seminars
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M. Hedayat & Associates, P.C. 1211 W. Lakeview Court
Romeoville, IL 60446
Contact M. Hedayat & Associates, P.C. to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.
Office hours
M-F 08:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M.
Phone: (630) 378-2200
Fax: 630-446-0067
Email address
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