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Dean L. Sutton- PC in East Moline, IL

Dean L. Sutton- PC (Attorneys) is practicing law in East Moline, Illinois. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Attorneys.

Dean L Sutton, PC: Silvis, Illinois lawyer focusing on, Social Security Disability, Commercial and Residential Real Estate, Wills, Probate, Trusts, Estates and Estate Planning- From http://www.dlsuttonpc.com

You can reach us on phone number (309) 755-5239, fax number (309) 755-0966 or email address deansutton@dlsuttonpc.com. Our office is located on 1608 8th St, East Moline, IL,

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Areas of practice & Law firm overview

Dean L. Sutton- PC is listed under Attorneys in East Moline, Illinois .

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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add

Jessica Jean Wilkerson wrote something

Hello Mr.Sutton my name is Jessica Wilkerson and in January of 2007 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis by family doctor Randy Robinson of Clinton Iowa after an MRI showed seven lesions on my brain and one on the spine. I applied for disability SSI, after realizing how limited I was and just how awful I felt day to day,I was denied twice,I then hired you when you were practicing in silvis ill.and was then approved and started receiving benefits in 2009. Recently I stopped receiving my monthly SSI check and was told it was because I don't attend the nuerologist regularly,reason being there's nothing they can do for the Ms so I don't feel the need to go out of town to hear the bad news of just how much it has spread and gotten worse,I'd rather not personally and also I do not take an Ms therapy of any kind because they are only experimental there's no real proof that it helps and it makes me severely I'll to the point of there being no quality of life for me,however I did not realize by making these decisions for myself and my own comfort that it would jeapordize my monthly SSI check. It has been months since I've received anything and I've called the SS office filled out paperwork etc... I was living with my daughter she has now recently moved and I'm in an apt by myself and cannot pay the rent now due to this, my rent was due on the 5th and now I've received an eviction notice, I have nowhere to go if I'm kicked out, I'm extremely depressed and have high anxiety especially now, I don't quite understand being that Ms doesn't go away ever and it will result in my paralysis or death so according to the fine print on the application process of SSI I can not be denied. Can you please look into this and get back to me on what I need to do and if there's anything that will speed up the process. My phone number is 563 538 8690 address 850 1st Ave apt 59 thank you very much for your time.

Written September 2017 on a Monday (2017-09-18)

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Dean L. Sutton- PC
Illinois lawyer

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Dean L. Sutton- PC
1608 8th St
East Moline, IL 61244

Contact Dean L. Sutton- PC to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (309) 755-5239 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (309) 755-5239
Fax: (309) 755-0966

Email address


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