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Basham Lori Nail Attorney in Fulton, MS

Basham Lori Nail Attorney (Attorneys) is practicing law in Fulton, Mississippi. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Attorneys.

You can reach us on phone number (662) 862-7633, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 117 S Gaither St, Fulton, MS,

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Basham Lori Nail Attorney is listed under Attorneys in Fulton, Mississippi .

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2 comments, questions or reviews - Add

Christy Shearon asked a question

I was wondering how a inmate at a county jail, get a court appointed lawyer. My ole man went to jail for driving on suspended drivers licenses. And also still owed 2 city fines in 2 different cities. Making both of those bonds cash bonds only. And then he could use a bonds man on the dws. Well all 3 bonds were going to be 1,30.00. so I told him he would go before the judge on one of them the next week then the next one. The week that followed. Yesterday he went to court on the first city fine. And the judge told him since he had a new charge of dws. That he's days in jail for last week and thus for, couldn't go against his fine that he owed there. But instead had to go towards his new charge. Well heck. We were hoping that his day would pay off his older fines. Then I could get him a bonds man for the dws. But according to the judge, when he went to court on the dws they would take his days and put them towards that fine. Then he could bond out on the cash bond that was set for the old fine there. He set him a new court date there for next month. Meaning really he's gonna be setting a month in jail no matter what route he goes. Really we don't have that type of money. I got my fingers cut off at work. And been having doctors appointments at Jackson Ms. We only draw my workman comp check. He hasn't been working because he's been helping take care of me. The reason why he was driving that night. Was because my hand was hurting. I've been scheduled for another surgery on May 17 th. I was really thinking that we would be able to bond him by then. But if no days are going towards his old fines. We'll never get him out. It would be much easier to work with a Bonds Man. And set up a payment plan with him. But we just can't do cash bonds of $595 and $600 something. Please get back with me as soon as possible. Thanks in advance with any help that u might could help me with. My phone is# 662-279-2102. And my email is christyshearon42@gmail.com

Written May 2017 on a Wednesday (2017-05-10)

Deborah Pruitt asked a question

You represented Randall Reynolds in the past and you told him you would do him a favor in the future because you were unable to do much for him in court. He is still being held at Chicksaw Co in Houston and needs your help. He has been threatened by some other inmates and was told if he did not do as they told him he would be their bitch. He did as he was told and got caught and is now in the jail awaiting his punishment. I spoke to some of his inmates that work with h and are in the same cell and they told me the officers known as Dallas and Brock continuously make fun of Randall pick on him and call him retard. When I heard this I was very upset. I know that Randall does have impaired mental abilities and has had to go through his entire childhood being made fun of but he is a good and kind hearted person and does not deserve this abuse especially when the officers are adults and should know better. This is clearly a case of abuae and bullying. Please see it in your heart to help him. I Love him and hate to see him treated this way when he is trying to stay out of trouble. Thank u for your time. He has been going through this almost 2 years and something needs to be done for him and others like him.

Written February 2015 on a Friday (2015-02-20)

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Basham Lori Nail Attorney
Mississippi lawyer

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Basham Lori Nail Attorney
117 S Gaither St
Fulton, MS 38843

Contact Basham Lori Nail Attorney to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (662) 862-7633 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (662) 862-7633
Fax: No listed fax number.

Email address

No listed email address.

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