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Andrews Bongar Gormley & Clagett in Waldorf, MD
Our lawyers have been serving clients here for 50 years. Over that course of time, we have steadily added more lawyers and more practice areas to better serve our clients in Southern Maryland. The law firm was built on real estate in those early days, but quickly expanded into other general practice areas, like personal injury, criminal law, family law, and bankruptcy. Although we still do a lot of real estate settlements, we have many other areas of practice these days.Andrews Bongar Gormley & Clagett (Lawyers) is practicing law in Waldorf, Maryland. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category All Law Firms in Lawyers.
You can reach us on phone number (301) 645-4100, fax number 301 843 2351 or email address Our office is located on 11705 Berry Rd, Ste 202, Waldorf, MD,
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Areas of practice & Law firm overview
Andrews Bongar Gormley & Clagett is listed under Lawyers in Waldorf, Maryland .
Areas of practice and expertise
personal injury car accidents bankruptcy foreclosures criminal defense DUI DWI traffic tickets juvenile crime family law divorce child custody workers’ compensation medical malpractice real estate law land use zoning administrative law corporate law for small businesses contracts civil litigation and wills and estates.Pro tip Browse Lawyers, Attorneys & Law firms in Waldorf, Maryland by legal issue and category.
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Free consultation for personal injury and bankruptcyQualifications
The information below about Andrews Bongar Gormley & Clagett is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (301) 645-4100 to learn more.
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Andrews Bongar Gormley & Clagett 11705 Berry Rd, Ste 202
Waldorf, MD 20603
Contact Andrews Bongar Gormley & Clagett to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.
Office hours
8:30 to 5:15 pm M-F
Phone: (301) 645-4100
Fax: 301 843 2351
Email address
Lawyers nearby
Andrews Bongar Starkey & Clagett P.A.