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Scott R. Larson- P.C. in Denver, CO
Scott R. Larson- P.C. (Accident Attorneys) is practicing law in Denver, Colorado. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Accident Attorneys.
You can reach us on phone number (303) 861-0920, fax number (303) 860-1302 or email address Our office is located on 1580 Lincoln St, Suite 500, Denver, CO,
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Areas of practice & Law firm overview
Scott R. Larson- P.C. is listed under Accident Attorneys in Denver, Colorado .
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Fees and & free initial consultation
There's currently no information available about fees or if Scott R. Larson- P.C. offers free initial consultation.
The information below about Scott R. Larson- P.C. is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (303) 861-0920 to learn more.
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4 comments, questions or reviews - Add
Nasser Lukmani asked a question
I just posted a response thinking that it was to a specific attorneys. Please delete my post at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Nasser Lukmani asked a question
My sister-in-law took her two young daughters to CO on a vacation in late December 2017. She hired a company for the safest snowmobile ride. She was following behind the guide with her two daughters behind her when the snowmobile failed to turn with the curve. All three went off a cliff down 10-15 feet and she experienced major injuries to her collar, shoulder and arm.
The guide went down, forced my sister-in-law to stand up and climb back up the hill in her hurt condition. She made her sit on her own snowmobile and proceeded to take a short cut through rough terrain at high speed. So much so, my sister-in-law fell off the guide's snowmobile because she couldn’t hold on. She picked her up again and continued to home base.
Throughout they were telling her how much it is going to cost her so she was even afraid to call the ambulance. She got transported back to their hotel where hotel medical professionals placed her arm in a sling. My sister-in-law stayed in that condition for 2 days before returning to Florida. She had the operation and now has a metal plate with several screws holding her shoulder/collar in place. Her arm was also busted and is in a sling. She has yet to go through months of therapy and is unable to do anything with that hand. She has missed worked since then and is now on disability. She is in excruciating and the company is constantly badgering her to pay for damages which we disagree with.
I wanted to explore good legal representation in CO and searched your name. Please call me to discuss if interested. Thank you.
Janell asked a question
I apparently published a comment on this page, I thought I was sending you a personal question. Will you please remove my comment. Thank you!
Written May 2017 on a Thursday (2017-05-18)Janell Rhoades asked a question
My name is Janell Rhoades. A local dentist botched up a procedure & caused me severe problems that I now have to deal with for possibly many years. I’ve been in terrible pain for months, another dentist has had to treat me several times since to address infections I developed due to the original procedure & he estimated that I now need $10,000 worth of extensive work, just to undo the damage the previous dentist caused me. It will take several months (if not years) JUST to address the immediate issues. I need this work done whether or not any legal action is taken. I’ve already had to get emergency dental care, several follow up appointments to address severe pain, swelling & temporary fixes, & have been on antibiotics & pain meds for many months now. The time I’ve lost because of this can't be replaced & the pain I’m in is hard to explain. The most unbelievable part is the original dentist is still sending me bills, despite knowing the damage he's caused. My current dentist has already told me all of this is a result of the original botched procedure, NOT from anything I’ve done to myself or from any previous conditions. I believe he will back me up in any legal hearings & can attest to the ongoing dental issues I now am forced to face. I spend most of my time in pain & am unable to function normally. Can you help me?
Scott R. Larson- P.C. 1580 Lincoln St, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80203
Contact Scott R. Larson- P.C. to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.
Office hours
Listed business hours are general only. Call (303) 861-0920 to learn about office hours.
Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Phone: (303) 861-0920
Fax: (303) 860-1302
Email address
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