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De Leonardis Francis Attorney in North Haledon, NJ

De Leonardis Francis Attorney (Attorneys) is practicing law in North Haledon, New Jersey. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Attorneys.

You can reach us on phone number (973) 423-3111, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 33 Sicomac Rd, North Haledon, NJ,

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De Leonardis Francis Attorney is listed under Attorneys in North Haledon, New Jersey .

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Attorneys in North Haledon
Lawyers in North Haledon

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There's currently no information available about fees or if De Leonardis Francis Attorney offers free initial consultation.


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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add

June Guillermain asked a question

Why do I get partial info communicated to a local attorney and their quick to say no without the full facts. Why won’t any attorney tell me why? I have had a few turn me down, I am confident I will find a NJ.
I will insist on my day in court.

I have been let go, working 20 yrs/ with a major pharmaceutical company, I will keep trying until I find the attorney with the means and desire to legally assist me. I was targeted unfairly however; I refuse to believe there is nothing I can do about it.

I am 56-year-old female, of sound mind, happily married 36 years, w/ 2 grown children. In the last months I have applied for over 300 jobs. I just interviewed for a job that will pay me $12/per hour. The corporate attorneys within this pharma company recently turned down my appeal to return to work. I understand you will require more facts. I do not have an undergrad degree therefore; to get myself to $ 65k per year and 6 weeks vacation after 20 years of hard work, dedication and acting in good faith to serve this company and have this outcome is unbelievable. I had solid to exceeds work performance, until you guessed it, they decided to play the game you are all understand too well. Don’t tell me my case will be difficult to prove, how do any of you prove wrongful termination, harassment, and retaliation against any protected class. (My protected class is I have a disability) I am confident that I have enough information/and witnesses to back up my claim.

I am a perfect example as to why these laws are in place. Please don't respond unless, you have the sincere wish to assist with my legal case.

June Guillermain
60 Garden Road
Pompton Lakes NJ 07442
home # 973-839-6769
home email: gimo@optonline.net

Written November 2013 on a Saturday (2013-11-09)

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De Leonardis Francis Attorney
New Jersey lawyer

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De Leonardis Francis Attorney
33 Sicomac Rd
North Haledon, NJ 07508

Contact De Leonardis Francis Attorney to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (973) 423-3111 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (973) 423-3111
Fax: No listed fax number.

Email address

No listed email address.

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